In "Troubled: A Memoir of Foster Care, Family, and Social Class," Rob Henderson recounts his path from a turbulent childhood to the halls of Yale. This short contrasts Henderson's early life in foster care, marked by instability and trauma, with his later experiences among elite university students. The author's unique perspective bridges two worlds: one of survival and hardship, and another of privilege and opportunity. Through his concept of "luxury beliefs," Henderson examines how ideas popular among the educated elite can unwittingly impact those from less fortunate backgrounds. Henderson's story challenges readers to consider how upbringing influences worldviews and invites reflection on the complex relationship between privilege, education, and social mobility.
Rob Henderson is a social scientist and writer known for his insightful commentary on social class, culture, and psychology. As a PhD candidate in psychology at the University of Cambridge, he draws on his unique background growing up in foster care and serving in the U.S. Air Force to offer fresh perspectives on societal issues. Henderson gained prominence for coining the term "luxury beliefs" to describe certain ideological positions adopted by elites. His work has been featured in prestigious publications such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Quillette.
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