Geoffrey Miller

The Mating Mind: How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human NatureRecommended by Author

Recommended by AuthorAUTHOR RECOMMENDED
19:50 min
Psychology, Anthropology, Biology
528 pages, 2000

Why do humans possess such remarkable mental abilities compared to other species? This short explores the evolution of the human mind, and challenges traditional theories about our cognitive development. Miller proposes a new idea: our brains evolved primarily as courtship devices, shaped by sexual selection rather than mere survival needs. He examines how mate choice may have driven the development of language, art, morality, and creativity. By viewing human intelligence through the lens of sexual selection, Miller offers fresh insights into the origins of our most valued mental traits. Readers will gain a new perspective on human nature, understanding how our ancestors' romantic and sexual choices unknowingly crafted the complex and powerful minds we possess today.

Geoffrey Miller

Geoffrey Miller is an evolutionary psychologist and associate professor at the University of New Mexico. He is renowned for his work on the role of sexual selection in human evolution, particularly in shaping cognitive traits and behaviors. Miller's research has significantly contributed to our understanding of how mate choice may have influenced the development of human intelligence, creativity, and social behavior. Miller's work presents a compelling argument for the importance of sexual selection in human cognitive evolution, challenging traditional views and offering new perspectives on the origins of human mental abilities.


Human mental abilities evolved through sexual selection, explaining unique traits like art and humor that lack clear survival benefits. This creative force shaped our distinctively human nature.
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