Edward Dutton, J.O.A. Rayner-Hilles

Woke Eugenics: How Social Justice Is A Mask For Social DarwinismRecommended by Author

Recommended by AuthorAUTHOR RECOMMENDED
21:16 min
Philosophy, Politics, Sociology, Genetics
261 pages, 2024

Are the ideological battles of today shaping the future of society in unexpected ways? In his provocative work, Edward Dutton explores the ubiquitous modern social justice movement, "Wokeness", beyond its overt push for equality. The short examines its paradoxical nature, suggesting that while Wokeness appears to disrupt traditional social structures, it may serve an evolutionary purpose by subtly influencing selective breeding. Dutton argues that the policies and ideologies associated with Wokeness could inadvertently cultivate a genetically healthier, more conservative population, better equipped to endure future challenges. Dutton's novel analysis challenges conventional thinking, proposing that what appears to the political right as a mechanism of irreparable destruction may actually ensure the long-term survival of society.

Edward Dutton

Edward Dutton is an anthropologist and researcher who has published works on topics related to intelligence, religion, and societal issues. He earned his PhD in religious studies from the University of Aberdeen and has held teaching positions at universities in the UK and Poland. Dutton's writings explore subjects surrounding human biodiversity and behavioral differences between populations.


Wokeness may function as an evolutionary mechanism, eliminating less fit individuals and favoring a conservative, religious, and group-oriented population, potentially ensuring long-term societal survival despite its apparent short-term destructiveness.
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